checked the majestic Denali Mountain Range we had the urge to see things
up close. The flat Susitna River flowing south had not only tree poles but
also the occasional river rafter enjoying the slow and wet travel. We are
certain that they had the luck of spotting some large animals.
Susitna River loosing it's momentum on the way to the ocean meanders
artistically like a silver ribbon through the marshy coastal flats.
Countless birds find here a summer residency.
us it is time to climb to safer altitude while crossing the hazy and
waters of the Cook Inlet with Anchorage to the East. Oil rigs are a more
frequent sight pumping the precious fluid from deep within the ground that
had once seen much warmer days. Our destination was Homer (PAHO) at the
southern end of the Cook Inlet.

It is said that "Artists only need two things to survive -
beautiful scenery and cheap rent". Homer got them both.
Homer is at the southern end of the Kenai Peninsula. With the
attractive "Spit" reaching out into the Kachemak Bay, the town has a site which
offers opportunities for the locals and attractions for the tourists as
close as Anchorage. The gravel beaches are inviting to pitch a tent and
look for a salmon to grill.

After bringing your catch ashore it is time to seek
the contact at "Salty Dawg Saloon" and tell the story of the day. Then
go to Land's End and indulge yourself in the Alaskan oyster while
enjoying the grand view of the Kachemak Bay with the magnificent
background of the Kenai Range with it's snow and ice covered peaks.

the narrow and dark bar there is not much space ...
end of a day that always will be remembered ....